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An object containing business information for the requested business

zip: String!
bin: String
taxID: String
accountBusinessID: String!
street: JSON
city: String!
state: String!
name: String!
phone: String
duns: String
dataSource: DataSource!
): [BusinessSearchResult]

Arguments ● String! non-null scalar

The 5 digit zip code where the address is located

searchSimilarBusinesses.bin ● String scalar

The business's 9 digit alphanumeric Experian identifier Example: 700325241

searchSimilarBusinesses.taxID ● String scalar

Placeholder - not implemented yet

searchSimilarBusinesses.accountBusinessID ● String! non-null scalar

The ID of the current business profile

searchSimilarBusinesses.street ● JSON scalar

The business street address, represented as an array of strings, with one string per line. Example: ['The White House', '1600 Pennsylvania Av.'] ● String! non-null scalar

The city in which the address is located Example: Washington

searchSimilarBusinesses.state ● String! non-null scalar

The two-letter code for the state in which the address city is located Example: DC ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the current business ● String scalar

A phone number in E.164 format. For US numbers this is the 10 digit number prefixed with +1. Example: +18552268388 ● String scalar

The business's 9 digit Dun and Bradstreet number Example: 072959232

searchSimilarBusinesses.dataSource ● DataSource! non-null enum

The datasource to be searched. It must be one of: 'ExperianBIS' or 'DunAndBradstreet'.


BusinessSearchResult object

A result returned from searching for a business in Experian's and/or D&B's APIs.