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Update a user's account with new data. All arguments other than userID are optional.

duns: String
equifaxID: String
businessFacts: BusinessInformation
businessState: String
businessZip: String
businessStreet: JSON
businessPhone: String
businessCity: String
experianBIN: String
userID: String
email: String
startDate: Date
businessName: String
businessAddress: String
): Account

Arguments ● String scalar

The business's 9 digit Dun and Bradstreet number Example: 072959232

updateAccount.equifaxID ● String scalar

The business's 9 digit equifax identifier Example: 700325241

updateAccount.businessFacts ● BusinessInformation input

An optional object containing business facts which we will store and retrieve for that business

updateAccount.businessState ● String scalar

The two-letter code for the state in which the address city is located Example: DC

updateAccount.businessZip ● String scalar

The 5 digit zip code where the address is located

updateAccount.businessStreet ● JSON scalar

The business street address, represented as an array of strings, with one string per line. Example: ['The White House', '1600 Pennsylvania Av.']

updateAccount.businessPhone ● String scalar

A phone number in E.164 format. For US numbers this is the 10 digit number prefixed with +1. Example: +18552268388

updateAccount.businessCity ● String scalar

The city in which the address is located Example: Washington

updateAccount.experianBIN ● String scalar

The business's 9 digit alphanumeric Experian identifier Example: 700325241

updateAccount.userID ● String scalar

Partner-provided user ID string. Example: user_nqf478fhia4f ● String scalar

Email address where notifications will be sent.

updateAccount.startDate ● Date scalar

When this business was founded. This datum can come from any of a number of sources: user input, estimated from merchant processing data, etc. Example: 2007-11-01

updateAccount.businessName ● String scalar

The name of the business

updateAccount.businessAddress ● String scalar

The business street address Example: 1600 Pennsylvania Av. DEPRECATED. Use businessStreet instead.


Account object

An end user.