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An end user.

type Account {
active: Boolean @deprecated
businesses: [AccountBusiness]
capabilities: Capabilities
email: String
personalCreditCheckOptInAt: DateTime
planCode: PlanCode @deprecated
program: Program
secondaryBusinesses: [SecondaryBusiness]
userID: String

Fields ● Boolean deprecated scalar


Always true - no longer meaningful. Look to the program code instead.

Whether this account is currently active.

Account.businesses ● [AccountBusiness] list object

List of businesses followed by this account.

Account.capabilities ● Capabilities object

Flags showing which Nav features are enabled for this account. ● String scalar

Email address where alerts will be sent.

Account.personalCreditCheckOptInAt ● DateTime scalar

Date the account owner has opted in to allow us to pull personal credit for the purpose of matching them with relevant offers. In the format yyyy-mm-dd. Null if the owner has not opted in.

Account.planCode ● PlanCode deprecated enum


Always 'STANDARD' we no longer use plans in any form. This is just temporarily being kept for compatibility with older clients.

An identifier for the plan this account is associated with.

Account.program ● Program object

The data associated with the account's program

Account.secondaryBusinesses ● [SecondaryBusiness] list object

Businesses for which the customer will receive credit reports and alerts, but not recommendations.

Account.userID ● String scalar

Partner-provided user ID.

Returned By

account query ● createAccount mutation ● updateAccount mutation