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Information about why the credit data provider could not generate a score.

type NoScore {
business: Business
dataSource: DataSource
date: DateTime
reason: String
reasonCode: String
upstreamDescription: String

Fields ● Business object

Company information in the credit report from which we attempted to pull a score or generate a grade.

NoScore.dataSource ● DataSource enum

The data provider for the credit report from which we attempted to pull a score or generate a grade. ● DateTime scalar

When the credit report containing this data was created.

NoScore.reason ● String scalar

Plain text description of why we were unable to retrieve a score or generate a grade.

NoScore.reasonCode ● String scalar

Short code for why we were unable to retrieve a score or generate a grade.

NoScore.upstreamDescription ● String scalar

Credit bureau's description of the problem.

Implemented By

MaybeGrade union ● MaybeScore union