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Nav's highest priority call to action for the requested user.

type CTA {
additionalDetails: CTAAdditionalDetails
body: String
imageAltText: String
imageURL: String
linkText: String
linkURL: String
linkOpensInNewTab: Boolean
title: String
type: CTAType


CTA.additionalDetails ● CTAAdditionalDetails union

Additional details for call to action.

CTA.body ● String scalar

Call to action content body.

CTA.imageAltText ● String scalar

Call to action image alternate text.

CTA.imageURL ● String scalar

Call to action image URL.

CTA.linkText ● String scalar

Call to action link display text.

CTA.linkURL ● String scalar

Call to action link URL.

CTA.linkOpensInNewTab ● Boolean scalar

True/False whether the linkURL should open in a new tab.

CTA.title ● String scalar

Call to action title.

CTA.type ● CTAType enum

Call to action type enum.

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cta query